About FIDIC for Global Goals
In support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Net Zero and future ambitions, FIDIC will use this campaign to bring the industry and key players together to advance engineering’s contribution to the climate change, biological diversity, environment and sustainability agenda.
Meeting the climate challenge
The FIDIC Family
There are various aspects of FIDIC involved in this campaign for further information click below
Our Mission
To engage across the entire infrastructure, construction, finance and public policy sectors to help deliver meaningful progress towards meeting the climate change challenge.
Our Vision
To lead the way in ensuring industry has the tools and platform to share knowledge.
This will be done via specific climate related activities under FIDIC for Global Goals, news and awareness under Infrastructure Global and via FIDICs contracts and membership resources.
FIDIC Leadership team
The FIDIC Global Goals initiative is lead by the FIDIC President, FIDIC board and the CEO and supported by FIDICs Sustainable Development Committee.
Catherine Karakatsanis
President, FIDIC
Tracey Ryan
Chair, FIDIC Sustainable Development Committee
FIDIC Climate Change Charter task group
The task group involved in delivering the FIDIC Global Goals campaign
Robert Spencer
Vice chair, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Stéphanie Groen
Member, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Idriss Kathrada
Member, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Sudhir Dhawan
Member, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Marina Markaryan
Member, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Anders Persson
Member, FIDIC sustainable development committee
Delivery team
The team involved in delivering the FIDIC Global Goals campaign
Graham Pontin
Head of Economic and Strategic Policy
Nadia Van Der Waltova
Digital Marketing and Communications
Basma Eissa
Policy Analyst Executive