Gapec Consultants Limited is the consulting arm of the group.
George is a prominent and active member and fellow of various Professional Associations in Nigeria and abroad including Fellow Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE); Fellow Nigerian Institution of Civil Engineers (FNICE); Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers (FNIStructE); Fellow Nigerian Institution of Highway and Transportation Engineers (FNIHTE); Fellow Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC); Member American Society of Civil Engineers; Member Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered) (MNIM); Member Institute of Safety Professionals; Member Institution of Diagnostic Engineers UK (MIDiagE); Council Member, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and he is presently the 18th President of the Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria-ACEN. He is an Exco member and the Honorary Treasurer of FIDIC AFRICA to mention but a few.
My interest and concern for the climate change issues can be affirmed by the selection of our Association's 2021 Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) held between 10th and 11th November at Sheraton Lagos, with the theme captioned as "Infrastructural Development and the Challenges of Adapting to Climate Change". I am particularly interested in the identification of the source of carbon emission and the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, thus preventing the release of carbon into the atmosphere. I equally have a passion for the development of cleaner renewable solar and wind energy sources as a way of mitigating climate change. I hope to encourage my engineering consulting team to work on reducing carbon load in our engineering designs and construction processes.