Member Association

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Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies – FSIC (Swedish: Innovationsföretagen) is the common trade and employers´ association for Sweden’s architects, building, tech, design and engineering consultancies.

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The Association of Consulting Engineers of BiH (ACE BH / UKI BiH) is a professional and non-profit association, founded on June 29, 2004.

Members of the Association can become engineering and consulting companies in BH, as well as architectural bureaus, construction companies, financial institutions, law firms and other companies that are interested in promoting the goals of the Association.

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The Association of Consulting and Engineering New Zealand is a firm-based membership organisation representing more than 230 professional services firms and their 13,500 staff in Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Member Association Japan
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NACEC is the first professional association in Russia, setting a goal of harmonizing the current model of the engineering market in Russia with widely established International industry standards through provision of comprehensive consultancy services and building a solid expert community in Russia, which is able to efficiently adapt the best world practices and impact the lawmaking process in construction engineering from the initial stage.
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