Luis Otavio Rosa

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Arbitrator, DB practitioner and Expert, Civil Engineer, FIDIC certified FCCE and FCT, member of IBDiC board and of ICC Institute.
Founder of TAROBÁ, a consulting company specialized in contract, claims and dispute management, with activities in Latin America and developing countries. Previously,worked in projects in Europe, North America and Africa.
More than 40 years of experience in construction and buildings, power plants, substations, transmission lines, railways and metros, airports, roads, bus corridors, passenger terminals, shipyards, steel industries, defense armored vehicles, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals, sewage treatment, pumping stations, environmental protection, irrigation and sanitation.
Teaches postgraduate courses at universities, co-author of books and several articles, regularly holds workshops, seminars and lectures in arbitration, adjudication, expertise and dispute boards.
Speaks Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.