Net Zero of Genève Aéroport

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Committed to minimising CO2 and pollutant emissions resulting from airport activities, Genève Aéroport has set itself the goal of ending the use of fossil fuels in all its buildings and infrastructure by 2025. It has also planned to further develop solar production and electric mobility on the apron. Moreover, the airport is developing projects aimed at encouraging passengers and employees to prefer sustainable means of travel.

Genève Aéroport committed itself, on the occasion of the June 2019 General Assembly of the Airports Council International (ACI), to reaching the target of net zero carbon emissions (excluding air traffic) without any compensation by 2050, whilst exploring ways to bring this deadline closer. Areas of focus for the airport are the abatement of fossil fuels by 2025 for the heating and cooling of buildings, mobility on the apron, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions from infrastructure.

Genève Aéroport retains its place among the club of exemplary airports in terms of CO2 emissions management. Its Level 3+ Airport Carbon Accreditation was renewed in 2019. This certification recognises and verifies Genève Aéroport’s efforts to manage and offset its greenhouse gas emissions. The 8,900 tonnes of CO2 emitted by the airport in 2018 were offset by the purchase of Gold Standard certified carbon certificates.

« Currently, more than 288 airports worldwide are certified and only 61 are Level 3+ certified (i.e., carbon neutral, maximum level of certification). »

Additionally, in this context, easyJet, the main airline operating at the airport, announced in November 2019 its decision to offset, in future, carbon emissions for all of its flights. Indeed, easyJet is aiming to be the first airline in the world to achieve carbon neutrality.

The airport’s nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions increased by 0,6% between 2018 and 2019. These emissions should decrease in the coming years thanks to the increase in electric vehicles in use on the apron, air fleet renewal and the scheduled closure of the airport thermal power plant by 2025.
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