Fédération Cinov

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Cinov Federation brings together 13 Trade unions, providers of intangible services essential to make a project a reality and more than 3 000 member companies . The Cinov Federation is the employers' federation representing the BETIC branch (Technical design offices, consulting engineering and consulting societies). It brings together 72,000 companies and 1,1 million employees in the consulting, engineering and digital professions.

Cinov Federation has an action regarding sustainable development business and corporate social responsibility, with initiatives which adress more specifically climate change mitigation and adaptation at least since 2009.
Climate change could be adressed at different scales, ranging from local territories to international initiatives, involving individuals, companies and all stakeholders.
As a business actor, Cinov Federation :
- Integrates climate and environmental stakes in its daily activities aiming at improving its operations (office energy and waste, information technologies, transport, events, …)
- Provides informations, sensitization and ressources to its member firms regarding climate change for their operations, employment and skills and any matters of interest for their activities
- Contributes regularly to regulations and voluntary initiatives regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation, including relationships with nature based solutions, at local, national and international levels.
Cinov Federation strongly supports Fidic climate charter, that should help to raise ambition according to the initial <2° objective set in 2015 and accelerate action towards a low carbon and resilient economy and society.

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