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Cinov Federation brings together 13 Trade unions, providers of intangible services essential to make a project a reality and more than 3 000 member companies . The Cinov Federation is the employers' federation representing the BETIC branch (Technical design offices, consulting engineering and consulting societies). It brings together 72,000 companies and 1,1 million employees in the consulting, engineering and digital professions.
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Aurecon is a design, engineering and advisory company that brings ideas to life to create a better future for people and the planet. We work with organisations and governments to protect and enhance their performance by responding to the risks and opportunities presented by sustainability and climate change. We believe we have a responsibility to actively participate in the journey towards a net zero emissions future. Not only as designers, engineers and advisors, but also as innovators and individuals acting on climate change.
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Head of Russian FIDIC Member Association.
Managing Director of National Association of construction engineering consultants.
Managing Director of National Association of construction engineering consultants.
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NACEC is the first professional association in Russia, setting a goal of harmonizing the current model of the engineering market in Russia with widely established International industry standards through provision of comprehensive consultancy services and building a solid expert community in Russia, which is able to efficiently adapt the best world practices and impact the lawmaking process in construction engineering from the initial stage.
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